Inspirational Tired of Waiting Quotes to Help You Stay Patient


Waiting can be frustrating, especially when we have no control over the situation. Whether we’re waiting for a job offer, a promotion, or a reply from someone we care about, the process can be exhausting. But instead of getting angry or discouraged, we should try to stay patient and positive. Here are 25 tired of waiting quotes that will help you stay motivated and inspired.

Quotes about the Power of Patience

Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

Joyce Meyer’s quote emphasizes that patience is not about sitting still and waiting for something to happen, but about maintaining a positive outlook while we wait. This is an important lesson to remember, as it reminds us that we have the power to control our own thoughts and feelings.

Patience is not the ability to wait for a long time or to endure difficulty. It is the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting for the desired outcome.

Similar to Joyce Meyer’s quote, Brian Tracy emphasizes that patience is not just about waiting, but about maintaining a positive attitude throughout the process. This is a crucial mindset to have when we are waiting for something important, as it helps us stay focused and optimistic.

Quotes about the Importance of Trusting the Process

Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves.

Tony Gaskins’ quote reminds us that we can’t control everything, but we can control our own actions. If we trust the process and keep working hard, our time will come. This is an important lesson to remember, as it helps us stay focused on what we can control instead of worrying about things we can’t control.

Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.

This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action, even while we wait. While it’s important to trust the process, we can also take steps to make our desired outcome more likely. This might mean networking, seeking out opportunities, or putting in extra effort at work or school.

 Quotes about Finding Peace While Waiting

Sometimes waiting is the hardest thing of all.

Luanne Rice’s quote acknowledges that waiting can be difficult. But by acknowledging this difficulty, we can also start to find ways to make the waiting process more peaceful and manageable. This might mean practicing self-care, reaching out to friends and family, or finding a new hobby to occupy our time.

Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ.

This quote reminds us that finding peace during difficult times is possible, even if it’s not easy. By focusing on our faith, our relationships, and our own mental and emotional well-being, we can find a sense of calm even while we wait for something important to happen.

Quotes about the Rewards of Patience

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Aristotle’s quote reminds us that while waiting may be difficult, the rewards of patience can be sweet. When we finally achieve our desired outcome, we will appreciate it all the more because of the work and patience we put into it.

Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

This quote emphasizes the importance of persistence and hard work in achieving success. When we stay patient and work consistently towards our goals, we create an unbeatable combination that can lead to great things.

Quotes about the Power of Perseverance

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.

Julie Andrews’ quote highlights the importance of perseverance in achieving our goals. Even when we fail multiple times, if we keep trying, we can eventually succeed.

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.

This quote reminds us that perseverance is not just about one big effort, but about many small efforts that build on each other. When we stay focused on taking small steps towards our goals, we can eventually reach the finish line.

Quotes about Learning and Growth While Waiting

Waiting is not a waste of time. If you think it is, you have already missed the point.

This quote reminds us that waiting can be an opportunity for growth and learning. Instead of seeing it as wasted time, we can use it to reflect, plan, and prepare for the future.

The waiting time, my brothers, is the learning time.

George Herbert’s quote emphasizes that waiting can be a valuable time for learning and personal growth. When we use the waiting process to reflect on our goals and values, we can become more intentional and purposeful in our actions.


Waiting can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be discouraging. By staying patient, trusting the process, and focusing on our personal growth, we can make the waiting process more manageable and even rewarding. These 25 tired of waiting quotes serve as a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, and that there is wisdom and inspiration to be found in the waiting process.

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