Anne Catherine Emmerich Quotes: Inspiration and Wisdom from a Visionary Mystic


Anne Catherine Emmerich was a German mystic and visionary who lived in the late 18th and early 19th century. Her visions and mystical experiences have influenced many people throughout the years, and her writings have been a source of inspiration for many. In this article, we will explore some of Anne Catherine Emmerich’s most powerful quotes and their significance.

Who was Anne Catherine Emmerich?

Anne Catherine Emmerich was born in 1774 in Westphalia, Germany. She was a nun and stigmatist who experienced visions and revelations throughout her life. Her visions included the life of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and other biblical figures. She was also known for her devotion to the Eucharist and her mystical experiences during Mass. Anne Catherine Emmerich died in 1824, and her beatification process began in 1892.

Anne Catherine Emmerich Quotes:

When we suffer with love and offer our sufferings to God, we come closer to Him.

This quote speaks to the power of suffering and how it can be a means of growing closer to God. Anne Catherine Emmerich saw suffering as a way to participate in Christ’s Passion and unite oneself with Him.

The more deeply we know the goodness of God, the more deeply we feel our own unworthiness.

This quote highlights the paradoxical nature of our relationship with God. The more we come to understand His goodness, the more we realize our own inadequacy and need for His mercy and grace.

Everything in this world passes away, but the love of God, which is eternal, will never pass away.

This quote emphasizes the impermanence of all things in this world and the importance of focusing on the eternal. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that the love of God was the only thing that could truly satisfy the human heart.

If we want to be with Christ, we must imitate Him in everything.

This quote speaks to the importance of living a life of virtue and following Christ’s example. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that imitating Christ was the key to true holiness and union with Him.

The more we humble ourselves, the more God exalts us.

This quote emphasizes the importance of humility in the spiritual life. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that humility was the foundation of all other virtues and that it was through humility that we could draw closer to God.

The closer we come to God, the more we feel the weight of our sins.

This quote highlights the paradoxical nature of our relationship with God. As we draw closer to Him, we become more aware of our own sinfulness and need for His mercy.

We must love everyone, even our enemies, because Christ died for all.

This quote speaks to the importance of loving others as Christ loved us. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that the love of Christ extended to all people, regardless of their faults or sins.

God often chooses the most humble and insignificant instruments to do His greatest work.

This quote emphasizes the importance of humility and the fact that God can use anyone, regardless of their status or position, to accomplish His will.

It is not enough to say that we love God; we must also love our neighbor.

This quote highlights the connection between love of God and love of neighbor. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that the two were inseparable and that true love of God could only be expressed through love of others.

The greatest act of love is to give oneself completely to God.

This quote speaks to the importance of total surrender to God. Anne Catherine Emich believed that giving oneself completely to God was the highest form of love and that it required a complete abandonment of self-will.

The Eucharist is the greatest gift that God has given us.

This quote emphasizes the importance of the Eucharist in the spiritual life. Anne Catherine Emmerich had a deep devotion to the Eucharist and believed that it was the greatest gift that God had given us.

The more we trust in God, the more He can work through us.

This quote speaks to the importance of trust in the spiritual life. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that trust in God was essential for allowing Him to work through us and accomplish His will.

The devil is constantly seeking to deceive us and lead us away from God.

This quote highlights the reality of spiritual warfare and the importance of vigilance in the spiritual life. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that the devil was a real and present danger, and that we must be constantly on guard against his attacks.

True peace comes from God alone.

This quote emphasizes the fact that true peace can only be found in God. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that worldly peace was fleeting and temporary, but that the peace that comes from God was eternal.

The more we detach ourselves from the things of this world, the more we can attach ourselves to God.

This quote speaks to the importance of detachment in the spiritual life. Anne Catherine Emmerich believed that detachment from worldly things was necessary for growing closer to God and experiencing true spiritual freedom.


Anne Catherine Emmerich’s quotes offer valuable insights into the spiritual life and can inspire us to deepen our own relationship with God. Her emphasis on humility, love of neighbor, trust in God, and devotion to the Eucharist are just a few of the themes that run throughout her writings. By meditating on her words and striving to live out her teachings, we can draw closer to God and experience the peace and joy that come from a life lived in His presence.

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